district of green
designing innovative green, healthy, happy places
Our Services
Community engagement
Stakeholder needs assessments
Market engagement and analysis
Social and Environmental Impact Assessments
Integrated Impact Assessments
Co-design and stakeholder engagement
Residential and Amenities Assessments
Urban, district, neighborhood and housing research
Outcomes, monitoring and evaluation
Post Occupancy Surveys
Project brief development
Business case and procurement strategy
Feasibility studies and property advisory
Investment Logic Mapping
Key Performance Indicators
Project management and strategy implementation
Multi-stakeholder urban development strategies
District planning
Spatial and urban planning
Urban renewal and urban regeneration
Waterfront development
Urban design statements and reviews
Placemaking and design guidelines
Streetscape and curb management
Data analysis and visualization
Climate intelligence and scenario modelling
Life-Cycle Assessment
Carbon Reduction Plans
Net Zero and Net Positive roadmaps
Sustainable design and green building
LEED and Passive House standards
Urban decarbonization strategies
Energy efficiency and electrification
Renewable energy and clean energy technical standards
Urban mobility and multimodal transport
Climate mitigation and adaptation
Urban and coastal resilience: green-blue infrastructure
Urban biodiversity and ecosystem services